I am normally not the political type, but this Health Care Reform issue has really inspired me to at least launch my perspective into the blogisphere. I cannot believe how many people actually believe that by offering a "Public Option" we will somehow be offering FREE health care coverage to a) illegal aliens b) rich people or c) everyone, including those who can afford to pay for better coverage, thus causing the insurance companies to go out of business. It is unfortunate that fear mongering talk show " entertainers" ( not journalists) are disseminating such misinformation to the public. I want to shed some light on these matters as I see them. I am a professional advocate who is always helping senior clients find a way to cover their health care costs, so this is what I know from actual experience:
1) The only illegal aliens who receive Medicaid are those in the hospital ( coming through the emergency room), those remaining in the hospital due to brain injury or trauma, infants, pregnant mothers and frail elderly who are in nursing homes and have lived in the country documented for over five years. If they are illegal, documentation is often impossible to get, so this happens rarely. Every other illegal person who needs medical attention IS TURNED AWAY.
2) Medicare is a " Public Option" for our aged citizens. They do not have to accept Medicare. They can keep paying for and using another private insurance. Most people choose their public option and then buy a supplemental policy to pay for what the government will not cover, or they pay out of pocket for those "extra" or "luxury" services. Medicare is for every senior regardless of income or assets. Our government, at the risk of seeming like a socialist entity decided to ensure that every elderly person had some basic coverage because they knew most people would not save for their own medical expenses. How much have you saved for your golden years?
3) Social Security is another socialistist government intervention initiated by a wise President who knew that unless the general public were forced to save for retirement, they wouldn't do it or would not put away enough. Have you saved enough for your retirement?
4) A Public Option is an alternative for many hard working Americans who cannot afford health insurance, not even an HMO or who may have a pre-existing condition rendering them ineligible for insurance. Why is it that only the very poor, very young or very old in this country are allowed to partake in a government health care program? And yet it is the poorest and oldest people I know who are ranting against equal health care for all. All Americans deserve the option to have the most basic level of medical care. If we want more than the basics, we can pay for them. That is how Medicare and Medicaid work.
5) Some actually believe that there is not enough money in this country for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. To that I say only one word: NASA! We have billions, not millions, billions to invest in blowing up part of the moon to look for water, research on Mars and another planned moon walk. This country has a priority problem, not a money problem. We have a lobbist problem and a lawsuit problem and yes, an insurance problem. Allowing the health insurance lobby to become so powerful, our doctors to feel they are the elite and the lawyers to sue doctors and hospitals ad nausium, is a problem. Please do not worry this country will become socialist or communist. That would mean all citizens are seen as equals and there is no chance of that happening any time soon.
6) You can be a capitalist and still be your brother's keeper. As a for -profit business owner, I charge for the health care consulting I do. That said, I have so many poor, pro bono clients that I formed a non- profit corporation to care for them and raise money for them. If every successfull capitalist started even a modest non- profit company to care for the less fortunate or those who are elderly and have no family support, they would be doing their part. We can all do our part and together help our communities. Visit www.EQOLPalmBeach.com and www.vipcaremanagement.com to learn more about what I am doing. Let's loose the lables: republican, democrat, socialist, capitalist and just be citizens and take responsibility for ourselves and a few others.